Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering 2024

10th IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering

Submission Guidelines

Types of Contributions

FOSBE2024 accepts three types of contributions:

  • Regular papers

       6-page long papers to be formatted according to the IFAC Author Guide. It is highly recommended to use the LaTeX or Word template files available in the Author Guide.  

       These submissions will undergo thorough peer-review as journal contributions and if accepted, they will be published in their final format in the FOSBE 2024 Proceedings in the journal IFAC-PapersOnline, receiving an individual paper DOI.

  • Short papers

       2-page long papers to be formatted according to the IFAC Author Guide. It is highly recommended to use the LaTeX or Word template files available in the Author Guide (same as for the regular papers).   

       These submissions will undergo peer-review and if accepted, they will become electronically available to the Conference participants in their final format in an all abstract and short paper booklet to be prepared for the Conference.

  • Abstracts

 ~2000 character long abstracts of research studies, which will undergo peer-review and if accepted, they will become electronically available to the Conference participants in their final format in an all abstract and short paper booklet to be prepared for the Conference

Aligned with the conference thematic sessions:

  • Dynamic modelling and control of complex biological systems
  • Multi-scale modelling and multi-omics data integration
  • ‘Design, build, test, learn’ results in synthetic biology
  • Systems biology for human health
  • Systems biology for ecological systems
  • Novel bioprocessing principles and fields
  • Model-assisted bioprocess development and control
  • Advances in systems/synthetic biology fundamentals (concepts, methods, computational tools, education)


Paper and Abstract Submission Guidelines

All FOSBE2024 contributions have to be submitted via the PaperCept platform. This requires that all authors of a contribution have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) at the platform. To find your PIN if already registered with the system from previous FOSBE or other IFAC conferences or register a new PIN if first time user of this submission platform, please visit the PIN Wizard.

At the online paper submission site, you find the FOSBE 2024 entry and you click on “Submit a contribution to FOSBE 2024” link.

You will be guided through the process and you will have to specify for your contribution the following:

  • relevant keywords, which will assist the program committee to categorize your submission
  • if you wish it to be considered for an oral or only for a poster presentation; it is noted that a small number of submitted contributions will be selected for oral presentations from the IPC from any type of contribution (regular or short paper or abstract). All other accepted contributions will be presented as posters.
  • If your contribution is to be presented by a young researcher (student or young post-doc (up to 5 years from PhD)), please specify if you wish it to be considered for a young investigator award (best oral (shown as conference award in the system) or poster presentation award).

At least 3 young investigator awards are to be granted. Participation of young researchers is very positive for the discussions and the objectives of FOSBE conference series.

For a contribution to be finally accepted for presentation at the conference at least one of the co-authors should have been registered by the final paper submission deadline. One student registration fee covers one contribution. One full registration fee may cover up to two contributions.  

Important Dates

February 28, 2024

Submission site Opens

March 18, 2024

Submission Deadline for Contributed Papers and Abstracts

June 21, 2024

Final Paper Submission Deadline on Papercept

September 8, 2024

Conference Opening

General Guidelines

  • Only one abstract per registered person can be submitted
  • Abstract submission is permitted only electronically
  • Submissions by hard copy or e-mail are not accepted
  • Conference Language: English
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